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Learn all you need about this new way of collaborating with sellers.

Alvaro Velasco avatar
Written by Alvaro Velasco
Updated over a month ago

What Are Lists?

Lists are a new way to interact with other sellers on SellerCrowd. They are:

  • More compact than posts and easier to browse.

  • Ideal for short words or phrases instead of lengthy comments.

  • Easy to validate—other sellers can quickly upvote or comment on list items.

Who Can Create a List?

Any SellerCrowd user can create a list or contribute to existing ones.

How to Create a List

  1. Click the List option in the ask box.

  2. Add a clear, helpful title to encourage engagement.

  3. Add one or more items to get the list going.

  4. Post it to SellerCrowd.​

How to Contribute to a List

  • Explore lists at this link.

  • Click on an empty field to add an item, type your addition, and hit enter.

  • Upvote other people's items or edit your own.

  • Comment on any list item using the available actions.

Remember: Creating engaging lists or sharing contacts in them earns rewards.

Anatomy of a list

The following components make lists different from posts






The main topic of the list.



Items are the elements that make any list. Click on an item to add or see additional information, like comments on the thread.


Add another item

Every list will have an empty field at the end. Click it to add new items to the list.


Sort by

You can order the items on a list by:

  • Chronological – Ordered by when they were added.

  • Latest Activity – Most recently active items first.

  • Most Upvoted – Items with the most upvotes first.

  • Most Commented – Items with the most comments first.


Comment on thread

A number next to the speech bubble shows the comment count. Click it to open the thread and reply.



Upvoting is a quick way of validating an item belongs on the list.

Examples of good lists

Collaborating with other sellers, doesn't have to always relate to contacts being shared.

Here's an example of a list that didn't involve sharing any contacts:

Here's an example of a list that contains contacts:

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